Lovin' lately!!

Pinterest(I'm addicted!)...My garden....Fires at the firepit...The kids getting to sleep in late(them, not me. I miss those days)....Watching Drew try to eat a Bomb Pop....Summer!! Summer!!! Summer!!!!

Monday, January 4, 2010

And I'm Off!!!!!!!!!

So, here's my first post. I resisted starting a blog for a long time because I wasn't sure what I wanted out of it......I'm still not sure. My friend, Michelle, does a fantastic job blogging about her daughter and will turn her blog into a book someday. What a great idea. I don't think that's the direction I'm going to go. I already scrapbook and journal a little, so I think I'll stick with that for now. My friends Beth and Kaylan do a great job of blogging about their family/lives and crafts.

Once upon a time, before I had kids, I was super crafty. I'm getting back into being crafty again. Looking at the millions of craft blogs has totally gotten me jittery and crazy in the head with projects I just have to do.

I'm half way done with my first quilt....Woo Hoo!!! what's not so woo hoo is that I now have to finish it on the sewing machine. That'll definitely be on another post. Let's just say the sewing machine and I have never been friends, although I have a really nice one my mom bought me a few years back. I bet she thought I'd actually use it and love it as much as she loves hers. What was she thinking!!!!
So above is a picture of Drew and Ruger on our way home from Tucson....what a long drive that was!!!! Ruger did the best out of all of us. He's just the best dog. I haven't figured out how to put a picture in the middle of a post, so bear with me.
I hope everyone had the best Christmas ever. I know Wii sure did. My parents got us a Wii with a Wii Fit Plus. I plan to be in excellent shape using only the Wii Fit Plus by the end of this month...no, I really don't, but I do plan on hooking it up to the Wii by the end of this month :)


  1. It FINALLY happened...I guess Beth and I are pretty convincing :). Love it! Shea is so big! The last time I saw her she was in a highchair. Gorgeous littles you have.

  2. LOVE IT!!!!! I had to work with mine a lot first too. The picture thing is still hard for me too. Kaylan gave me some good advice and said that when you are putting pics on to add the one you want last on your post first. I still fight with pictures somedays! Can't wait to keep up with your family and your crafts! Glad to hear you made it home okay. Are you missing the warm weather yet? There's a bit of a chill in the air here!

  3. Hi Stacey! So glad you started a blog! Your kids are cute, and I love your dog Ruger! He looks like our lab Sajak. When you talk about your friend Michelle, is that the Michelle that went to AIB with us? It's nice to be in touch again. Happy New Year!
