Lovin' lately!!

Pinterest(I'm addicted!)...My garden....Fires at the firepit...The kids getting to sleep in late(them, not me. I miss those days)....Watching Drew try to eat a Bomb Pop....Summer!! Summer!!! Summer!!!!

Saturday, January 23, 2010


Coconut creamer, coconut M&Ms and my favorite Valentine mug

Trader Joe's Dark Chocolate covered Espresso Beans and Cranberries
We don't have a Trader Joe's in Iowa.  These, alone, make me wish we did...YUM!!!!!

Drew playing hide-and-seek

Shea and her new mermaid doll

Smashbox lipgloss......the BEST!!!!
Pomegranate candles from Gold Canyon
Polka dots.....I would have them everywhere and on everything.  Love them!!
Black Raspberry Vanilla from Bath and Body Works
Our heated tile floors...oh, yeah!!
Peppermint Mocha Frappuccinos.  You can get them all year round, not just Christmas time.

I have never been one to really get into Valentine's Day, but ever since Shea was born I love it more and more.  It's so fun seeing her get into the holidays, even dorky ones like Valentine's Day.  We're finishing up a fun Valentine wreath we made.  I want to make these for Shea and Drew, but I highly doubt I will get to it this year.  Oh, well, might as well add it to my list of a million other things I want to make

Aren't they adorable!!!  I found them HERE.
Hope everyone has a good rest of the weekend :)

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE coconut m&ms too! I just wish they had real cocnut in them, but either way, still LOVE them!
